Your home is MUCH more than a place to store your things or keep you dry when it’s raining outside. It is also a very important component in your overall financial foundation. I just want you to know that I understand this and am dedicated to helping you find the right mortgage solution. Not just for today – but also for the long haul.
Here is a Top Financial Advantage to Home Ownership:
Forced Savings – Equity: If you’re like me, you love any opportunity to build equity in something of value over time. That’s why I believe you’re going to enjoy chipping away at your loan’s principal balance with each monthly payment. Depending on the program you select, you might only see small momentum at first. But over time the percentage you’re contributing toward the equity in your home will continue to grow – as will your feeling of self-worth and satisfaction. To see a specific example of how this momentum will build for you, please be sure to ask me for an
To see a specific example of how this momentum will build for you, please be sure to ask me for an amortization schedule for the loan scenarios we analyze together! Please reach out with any questions!